Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 8, Thing #18

I started in Google Docs. I was able to create a document without having to register or sign in. I like the looks of Google Docs. It was very easy for me to use because many of the tool bar buttons are similar to ones in Microsoft Word.

Then I registered for a Zoho Writer account. The registration process was simple and quick. At first glance Zoho Writer looks more involved than Google Docs because there are many more buttons on the tool bar. Zoho Writer was very easy to use because many of the tool bar buttons are also similar to Microsoft Word

I think that these tools will become very important as our district moves more schools into a 1-to-1 environment. Purchasing Microsoft Office suite for all students could quickly become cost prohibitive. These tools would be a wonderful alternative. They also provide the collaborative feature that Microsoft Office lacks.

I like the emotions button as you can easily see. wink This is a neat feature and very easy to use.

I was able to figure out how to publish my document to my blog. The biggest problem was remembering the username and password for my blog. The hyperlinks did not come in correctly, but I deleted them and then reinserted them. I would not have been able to do this if I didn't have a basic knowledge of HTML.

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